What functions does the GEYER-dS smart home include?
The GEYER-dS System can automate all the functions of the house, as it makes all its devices ‘smart’ and can manage them from anywhere. The most common automation features are:
A. Lighting Control
The system can turn on, off and ‘dim’ all the lights in the house, freely creating all possible lighting scenarios, wherever you are.
Β. Roller and Awning Control
The System can raise and lower your roller shutters and awnings, individually or in groups with the push of a button, when you are at home or on your mobile phone when you are away from home.
C. Heating and Cooling Control
The System can regulate your heating and cooling remotely, not just as an on / off function but taking on all the adjustment functions that can control your air conditioner.
D. Home Security
The system can view home areas remotely and create panic conditions when needed. Common conditions of panic are the simultaneous switching on of all the lights, the raising of the shutters, the activation of the siren or the simulation of the existence of dogs in the house (aggressive barking of dogs). Activating panic conditions can also be done by pressing a switch when you are inside your home.
E . Water Heater, Irrigation System, Electrical Appliance Control
The System can turn on and off a number of electrical appliances and systems with the push of a button, when you are at home or on your mobile phone when you are away from home.